Thursday, April 18, 2013

Severe Weather Possible Today...

Good Morning!

We have a potential situation developing regarding severe weather in Michigan today.  Just to let you know, there is a MODERATE risk of severe weather in the area today, have a look at the Storm Prediction Center Map:

Storm Prediction Center Day One Outlook Map

Categorical risk map broken down by counties, the southern 2/3 of Lower Michigan is under a risk of some sort.
To break it down for you, counties inside the red bordered area have a 1 in 10 chance of a tornado within 25 miles of a random point.  Those same counties have a 45% chance of winds in excess of 58 MPH associated with thunderstorms, and a 15% chance of hail that is quarter-sized or larger.


  • Pay attention to the weather in your area.
  • Have a plan that includes where you'll go and what you'll do in the event of a Severe Thunderstorm Warning or a Tornado Warning.
  • Have a reliable way to get wind of a weather warning (NOAA Weather Radio, Media, Smartphone App).
  • DO NOT RELY ON AN OUTDOOR SIREN TO GET A WARNING!  By the time those sound, it may be too late - or, the siren is sounding in your area and the severe threat is elsewhere in your county.
  • Charge your laptop and cell phone batteries - severe thunderstorms can and usually do cause at least a few power outages.
  • Secure or move inside the house or garage anything that you don't want to go looking for, as storm winds may relocate them for you.
  • Stay tuned here to the South Central Michigan Weather Zone for updates.  You can also follow me on Twitter, my handle is @wxMikeD -- NOTE:  I will be working my regular job so may not be able to post as quickly as I would like.  Also, I am NOT a degreed meteorologist yet - the final word rests with OFFICIAL sources of information (i.e. broadcast media and the National Weather Service).
More to come!

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