Taking a bit of time before the straight job kicks off to have a look at the weather for the next few days. This won't be a full on detailed post like I doo when time permits, but there are a couple of big players to consider.
UNSEASONABLY WARM AND SHOWERY: You bet. Looking at the current conditions and forecast data, the low that I alluded to in the last post has done his dirt out west, dropping big snows over northeastern Colorado and into Kansas, and then on the warmer south side of that system, sever weather, which lingers today in Dixie. Here, we're already in the upper 50's and lower 60's with winds around 20 MPH or so. Have a look at these maps as well...
You see it there, high dewpoints for this late in the year and southerly flow, expect some showers.
SNOW THIS WEEKEND?: This is for one of my loyal readers Tyler who asked me about it while I was on the train this morning. Tyler, you bet we'll see some some snow. Here's one last map for you:
This is the GFS forecast model's idea of what's going to be going on Saturday at 1 PM. As you can see, a low pressure center right southeast of Flint/Bay City, Along I-94 and east of Jackson, a good shot at rain for while, everywhere else, snow. This doesn't look terribly dynamic at 1008 MB pressure, but expect a couple of inches if you live someplace where the shading is blue.
I'll have more later. Have a GREAT Hump Day!!!
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