Just had a rare early evening chance to look at some data and radar, and I see enough to change the forecast slightly for tonight. What we've got now is a couple of rogue thunderstorms firing out over Lake Michigan, and some small showers further inland and tracking southwest. Right now the smaller stuff is currently in west Michigan, and it looks as if they are falling apart as they move deeper over land and into the drier air, but here in the blog zone, we may see a couple of stragglers that manage to form up and fire briefly later on.
Your updated forecast for tonight is partly cloudy skies, we'll add in a chance of an isolated or widely scattered shower, perhaps a lonely thunderstorm, nighttime low of 53 with NW winds 5-10 MPH.
More on this tomorrow, but computer forecast modeling indicates we may have a crack at some showers before daybreak again on Sunday, then perhaps a more substantial threat late Sunday night into Monday. That will depend on how close an upper disturbance tracks to us as it slides off the back of the ridge that will keep the Plains hot and high ninety-ish for the next few days. We'll check it out and forecast it for you tomorrow! Have a great evening! Blessings.
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